What is Professionalism?

What is Professionalism?

Business, General, Motivation
Professionalism is defined as a “person engaged or qualified in their field, an expert, someone certified in an area of their profession”. The word “professional” is tossed around a lot. Everyone has their own image and their own definition of what the word professionalism means to them. Companies have in writing and policy how professionalism is defined and should be demonstrated within that company. The following are universal agreements on the subject of professionalism within most industries: Always performing to the best of your abilities in every aspect of your career is at the top of the list. This may sound ambiguous and all encompassing. It is all encompassing. Most career minded individuals know the basics of their day to day jobs. Pull those basics apart and then evaluate yourself…
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How to Dress for Professional Success

How to Dress for Professional Success

What is professional dress in this global melting pot we live in? We need to remember “when in Rome, do as the Romans”. That being said, the information below is with the agreement we are in the United States of America and therefore, my suggestions on professional dress would be for the office personnel residing in the USA. Many companies are requesting an informative and direct approach to employee dress. It has changed considerably over the years as our society has become more and more casual. Even while attending our churches, synagogues, the dress has taken more of a weekend relaxed style. When selling to the public and your job is sales, there are some guidelines that allow you to look professional while not “over dressing” for the climate or…
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Fear of Success

Signs of self-sabotaging your relationships and your business and personal goals are demonstrating your fears of success. Why do we have fear? We feel vulnerable to new environments, situations, and people. Getting to the point of success can expose our weaknesses and make us come face to face with our flaws; therefore, we maneuver around what could be successful opportunities. The fear of success is very real and often happens when you are moving forward in your life. The future is what we are talking about and we are all heading in that direction. We just don’t know how to work on the future. Sometimes we fear success as much as we fear failure. We may openly express our fear of failure but keep our fear of success to ourselves.…
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“To make the form, nature, content, future course, etc., of (something) different from what it is or from what it would be if left alone.” - Dictionary.reference.com Why do people resist change? An article I recently read stated “we resist change when it occurs without our permission”. Change is inevitable and change is often out of our hands. In the changing world we live in, the change in technology is out of our control but we must comply to stay current. If one is not changing with technology, research, trends, then generally one is not growing. And the pace and degree of change in the world shows no sign of slowing. There are certain changes that a company or manager must make where the change can be given with a…
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Taking Fear and Self Doubt Out of Your Road to Success

This title is a bit confusing to some as they would ask, “fear of success”. I don’t fear success; I fear that I won’t have success. So I would ask them, why aren’t you successful? The first step you must take to omit any concern of fear is to have a plan. In fact you must plan everything. You plan your good days, months, years and then you plan your vacation dates, haircut appointments. When you have a plan you are building a road to a successful future. Stepping out of your comfort zone is most unsettling for everyone. When you need to go to the next level and it involves new territories, new friends, new prospecting, it’s fearful. Being in the same town, same house, same office, same circle…
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