The Next Generation

Those born between the early 1990’s and the early 2000’s have a common name and common thread, the Internet. Generation Z also known as Generation Net have become the most recent generation. The earliest birth year for a Gen Z is commonly agreed at 1991. These people were born at the dawn of the World Wide Web. More generally, some of the oldest members of this generation were born at the end of the “Echo Boom” or the Gen Y group. The youngest babies are generally believed to be a baby “boom let” which occurred around the time of the financial money crisis in the 2000’s ending in 2010. The next generation is yet unnamed. The parents of the Gen Net group are typically Gen X, or late boomers and…
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Advertising – Choosing Words that Sell

Career, Marketing, Real Estate
When it comes to writing marketing pieces for promotion and advertising both you and your properties there are some words that just do a better job of “call to action”. The following words will help you do the selling: You or your – “You” is the most powerful word you can choose. It is more powerful than the word money. So instead of writing for example, “my clients say working with me is the best thing that ever happened to them”. Write, “You will notice a huge difference between my professional experience and that of any agent you have worked with in the past”. “You are the most important part of my job. Keeping you happy is my goal.” Money – right after “you” is the word money. People love…
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The InterNet Generation

The Generation between 18 and 34 are inclusive of the Generation Y group. This younger Y Group has been referred to as the entitlement generation as they have a sense of entitlement to anything that is technology related. This means entitled to any new upgrade, product, tool, communication devices. The “Net Generation” is overwhelmingly deserving of another term, the C Generation for the Connection Generation since they are constantly connected. This group accounts for 23% of the U.S. population but accounts for 39% of smartphone users. Again, this is the Y Generation and or Net Generation. Generation X who are between 35 and 49 years span outnumber the population by a few percentage points as they come in at 27% of the U.S. population. This generation uses their social networks…
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“To make the form, nature, content, future course, etc., of (something) different from what it is or from what it would be if left alone.” - Why do people resist change? An article I recently read stated “we resist change when it occurs without our permission”. Change is inevitable and change is often out of our hands. In the changing world we live in, the change in technology is out of our control but we must comply to stay current. If one is not changing with technology, research, trends, then generally one is not growing. And the pace and degree of change in the world shows no sign of slowing. There are certain changes that a company or manager must make where the change can be given with a…
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Taking Fear and Self Doubt Out of Your Road to Success

This title is a bit confusing to some as they would ask, “fear of success”. I don’t fear success; I fear that I won’t have success. So I would ask them, why aren’t you successful? The first step you must take to omit any concern of fear is to have a plan. In fact you must plan everything. You plan your good days, months, years and then you plan your vacation dates, haircut appointments. When you have a plan you are building a road to a successful future. Stepping out of your comfort zone is most unsettling for everyone. When you need to go to the next level and it involves new territories, new friends, new prospecting, it’s fearful. Being in the same town, same house, same office, same circle…
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