The Assessment of Your Business is Personal

The Assessment of Your Business is Personal

Business, Career, General, Real Estate
It is time to assess your goals you put in place the first of the year. We are half way through the year and if you are not where you intended to be, ask yourself why not. Here are my personal suggestions for moving your business forward fast and efficiently. As part of the process, you might call your good customers and ask them for any feedback they can give you to increase your business, the second half of the year, to the level you expect it to reach based on your good business planning and goals. Work on your marketing program over the next 30 days. Your networking may need to expand either on the personal level or on the E-Social media level. Do an assessment of where your…
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Your Hourly Worth

The following calculations are to help you stay on track for the rest of the year with sales and commissions. Take just a few minutes and complete this for a successful end of year. If you intend to make $80,000 this year, do the following: I plan to work 50 weeks this year. I plan to work 5 days per week. I plan to work 8 hrs. Per day. Now do the following: 50 weeks x 5 days x 8 hrs. = 2,000 hrs. Of work for the year $80,000 / 2,000 hours = $40 per hour is what your time is worth. Therefore, each day every hour you are worth $40 every hour. If you intend to make $__________ this year, do the following: I plan to work ______…
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Advertising – Choosing Words that Sell

Career, Marketing, Real Estate
When it comes to writing marketing pieces for promotion and advertising both you and your properties there are some words that just do a better job of “call to action”. The following words will help you do the selling: You or your – “You” is the most powerful word you can choose. It is more powerful than the word money. So instead of writing for example, “my clients say working with me is the best thing that ever happened to them”. Write, “You will notice a huge difference between my professional experience and that of any agent you have worked with in the past”. “You are the most important part of my job. Keeping you happy is my goal.” Money – right after “you” is the word money. People love…
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5 Changes in Your Business Approach for Dynamic Success

Career, Motivation, Real Estate
First off let's get the negative out of the way by discussing the don'ts in your business approach. Our attitude is a choice. Let's not complain about the economy, or our real estate production or company. Let's not wait for things to change. Let's not wait for our finances, the market, or our marriage to change. The best approach is to create the change by putting our creative thoughts into the challenge and jumpstart the change in our lives. There are gimmicks out there in the market place for getting ahead fast, easy, no effort but as Thomas Edison said, "Success comes dressed in overalls and looks a lot like work". Don't avoid the difficult called prospecting because you are afraid of rejection. Successful people know that out of hard…
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Your New Year’s Resolution Checklist

Career, Marketing, Motivation, Real Estate
You and I made our plans for the New Year and how are we doing right now? In the event your phone, e-social media tools are not getting you the robust business you currently desire, here are some resolution checklists that will create more results for you. I’ve set my Budget and Business Plan for 2011. _____ You must make a good estimate of your potential commissions based on prior year’s history. You must pull out last year’s expenses and review those in order to have a "reasonable budget". It is easier to say yes, when you feel your decision is based on data with a foundation rather than what you hope might occur. Prospecting Calendar is in place and my appointments are set for 2011. _____ Personal marketing in…
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