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Randy’s Blog | The Secret to Real Estate Success



The Secret to Real Estate Success

We’ve almost reached the midpoint of the year, a time at which we should be able to look back briefly and determine whether or not what we set out to achieve at the beginning of the year is actually being accomplished. For a fair number of us, that look back will concern us, because we are not achieving our goals. And if we believe that in some form or fashion the results we had hoped for will magically appear, well, that’s not a very solid strategy. It’s been said time and time again, and by many, if you keep doing what you’re doing, you’ll keep getting what you’re getting. That’s true to the point of those words becoming a cliche’.

THE MOST important fundamental activity in real estate sales is LEAD GENERATION. If we aren’t generating leads, we aren’t growing our business; we will continue to see a transaction from time to time, but we will not see the referrals necessary to take our business to the next level. And while today’s topic may appear to be about ‘lead generation,’ it’s not. Instead, today’s blog is about another fundamental quality we as professionals must develop if we are to become successful. The most important fundamental quality we must develop is CONSISTENCY.

It too has been said that the only place you’ll find success before work is in the dictionary, and the secret to success is by and large CONSISTENCY in our work. At the heart of any formula for success, and any Top Producer will tell you this, is to identify a few fundamental marketing activities and then go at them consistently. Most marketing consultants would define this consistency to equal 6 months. Whatever lead generation activity you embark upon, commit yourself to it for a 6 month period, and more often times than not, you will get results. But results without consistency is rare.

The late Jim Rohn nailed it in saying, “Success is neither magical nor mysterious. Success is the natural consequence of consistently applying basic fundamentals,” and at the heart of the fundamentals in real estate sales is lead generation.

Yes, success is all about consistency around the fundamentals, and it is consistency that is at the heart of any successful person’s efforts, regardless their field of endeavor. Take consistency out of a training regiment, and the athlete isn’t great, take it out of anything that is worthwhile accomplishing and you’ll see that the expected outcomes are far from what were intended. Activity plus Consistency does equal Production, but activity done inconsistently equals a roller coaster ride when it comes to our results, and that’s no way to build a successful real estate practice.

In closing, and as boring as it may sound, Robert Collier was correct; “Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.” And if you don’t believe me, then go out and ask any Top Producer, especially a Top Producer who has been, is, and will continue to CONSISTENTLY be a Top Producer. The consistent Top Producer knows the value of consistency.

Consistency in anything we do is important, especially when it comes to lead generation. Start today, and I predict that the last 6 months of this year will produce much better results than the first 6 months that may not have fulfilled your expectations. The difference? The smallest thing missing in your plan, yet the most important of all is CONSISTENCY!

– Randy Smith


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