Randy’s Blog | The Secret to Real Estate Success

Randy’s Blog | The Secret to Real Estate Success

Motivation, Real Estate
    The Secret to Real Estate Success We've almost reached the midpoint of the year, a time at which we should be able to look back briefly and determine whether or not what we set out to achieve at the beginning of the year is actually being accomplished. For a fair number of us, that look back will concern us, because we are not achieving our goals. And if we believe that in some form or fashion the results we had hoped for will magically appear, well, that's not a very solid strategy. It's been said time and time again, and by many, if you keep doing what you're doing, you'll keep getting what you're getting. That's true to the point of those words becoming a cliche'. THE MOST…
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Rita’s Blog  |  Fear of Success

Rita’s Blog | Fear of Success

Business, Motivation
Fear of Success By Rita Santamaria, Small Business Today Magazine May 2015 Signs of self-sabotaging your relationships and your business and personal goals are demonstrating your fears of success. Why do we have fear? We feel vulnerable to new environments, situations and people. Getting to the point of success can expose our weaknesses and make us come face-to-face with our flaws; therefore, we maneuver around what could be successful opportunities. The fear of success is very real and often happens when you are moving forward in your life. The future is what we are talking about and we are all heading in that direction. We just don’t know how to work on the future. Sometimes we fear success as much as we fear failure. We may openly express our fear…
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Randy’s Blog | Nothing is Impossible if You Persevere

Randy’s Blog | Nothing is Impossible if You Persevere

  Nothing is Impossible if you Persevere Perseverance is one of the greatest qualities we can empower on the path to becoming the very best we can be, because as it implies, perseverance knows no quit. Perseverance is the difference between mediocrity and greatness. William James said, "Most people never run far enough on their first wind to find out they have a second," and while James wasn't talking about a runner, I will, because a marathon runner is an excellent example of perseverance. A "second wind," when it comes to running is often referred to as a "runners high," and there exists a great deal of research addressing the human being's ability to take on a second wind. The biological and other scientific evidence points to this perfect balance…
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Randy’s Blog  |  Luck: Where Preparation Meets Opportunity

Randy’s Blog | Luck: Where Preparation Meets Opportunity

Luck: Where Preparation Meets Opportunity It's only fitting we consider the word 'luck' on St. Patrick's Day; you know, that "luck of the Irish" thing, and while I am not Irish, I guess I could say I believe in luck, and then again, I don't believe in luck depending upon how 'luck' is defined. And many of us confuse 'luck' with 'destiny.' But in that it is St. Patrick's Day, let's talk about luck. Webster defines luck as, "success or failure brought about by chance through one's own actions," and based on that definition, I believe in luck, because I believe that success, just like failure is a choice. Our choices result in consequences, we make choices, thereby we make things happen or not, and if we make good choices,…
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